008: VR Extravaganza

Screenshot from the intro of the game (James Bond style)

This is one of my favourite games that I made, mostly for the fact that it uses a real voice actor and he did an amazing job with that (check him out here). It was created solely by me, and is inspired by games like “I Expect You To Die” and “The Stanley Parable” - the voice you hear in your ear is supposed to be the thing that agents hear when they’re on a mission.

The mechanic itself, slowing down time and being shot by bullets is close to what “Super Hot” does, but I went for a more controlled slow down by pressing a button and having limited time to do that. You have to take bullets that you’ve frozen in time and try to make the shoot the targets. To download it an try it (it’s only for VR and it’s tested only on the Vive controllers), check out https://ioiototm.itch.io/008-vr-extravaganza, where there’s also a link to a video of the game being played.

Yoan-Daniel Malinov
Yoan-Daniel Malinov
Research Fellow for the LoGaCulture Project

Interested in Virtual Reality, multi-modal play and Game Development.